The most interesting aspect of this phenomenon is how universal it is among artists across all mediums. Through meaningful and special in all ways, the one I have found to be the most striking is through music. So many famous musicians have opened their hearts and released songs and albums centered around their times of sorrow. Though there is an endless list, perhaps my favorite example is Joni Mitchell’s Blue. While not grief in the traditional sense, the breaking of a heart can be a blow of equal gravity. Following the end of her relationship with fellow musician, Graham Nash, Mitchell channeled her woe into possibly one of the most celebrated albums of her several decades-spanning careers. It’s said that Mitchell was at a point of breaking during the recording process, so fragile that she would spontaneously combust into tears at times. Grief brings artists to their most raw and welcomes audiences to their inner, most intimate feelings that they would otherwise stow away. There’s such bravery in letting the world see the art you create in your darkest periods but also a freedom unlike any other. It’s a language all humans can speak, regardless of where they're from.